About Xilis
Informed Choices. Better Outcomes.
Developed by world-class scientists from the U.S. and Europe, Xilis’ MicroOrganoSphereTM (MOS) technology and Precision Oncology Platform is transforming treatment choices in the clinic and bringing novel therapeutics to patients.

Xilis is developing next-generation technologies to guide precision therapy for cancer patients and accelerate drug discovery and development. MOSTM are microscale tumors that retain structure, genetic alterations, gene expression, immune microenvironment, and histopathology from individual patients. Our MOS platform enables rapid diagnostics for personalized therapy prioritization by predicting patient response, and scalable patient-derived models for high-throughput and immuno-oncology drug discovery.

Precision Oncology
Xilis’ Precision Oncology Platform enables clinicians to make timely treatment decisions by predicting patient treatment response and guiding optimal therapeutic options. The Xilis Precision Oncology Platform and Xilis Response ScoreTM can guide prioritized treatment decisions for oncologists and ensure patients get the right drug at the right time.

Drug Development
The MOSTM technology is transforming cancer drug development by providing an end-to-end patient centric solution. Our breakthrough platform provides cost-effective, high-throughput drug candidate screening, pre-clinical assessment of immuno-oncology drugs, personalized assays to determine patient eligibility for clinical trials, and companion diagnostics to guide patients to newly developed treatments.

Pilot Study of a Micro-Organosphere Drug Screen Platform to Lead Care in Advanced Breast Cancer (MODEL-ABC)
June 14, 2023 , Abstacts and Posters
Refractory colorectal cancer patient-derived MicroOrganoSpheres (MOS)TM enables correlation of targeted therapy combination response with clinical outcomes
June 10, 2023 , Abstracts
A functional immuno-oncology (IO) assay to assess patient response to immunotherapeutics in metastatic disease
June 10, 2023 , Abstracts
Establishing functional models of peritoneal carcinomatosis using MicroOrganoSphere (MOS) technology
June 10, 2023 , Abstracts
MicroOrganoSpheres as a Clinically Applicable Precision Oncology Platform for the Discovery of Novel Therapies in Colorectal Cancer
June 9, 2023 , Abstacts and Posters
Patient-derived MicroOrganoSpheres (MOS)TM and clinical response to immunotherapy
June 9, 2023 , Abstacts and Posters
Patient-derived MicroOrganoSpheres (MOS)TM enable precision clinical decision-making for multiple myeloma patients
June 9, 2023 , Abstacts and Posters
Biotech Startups Use Models of Human Organs for Drug Discovery
April 26, 2023 , Industry News
A novel and rapid patient-derived organoid breast cancer platform for precision medicine
April 21, 2023 , Abstacts and Posters
Refractory colorectal cancer patient derived MicroOrganoSpheres (MOS)TM enables correlation of targeted therapy combination response with clinical outcomes
April 21, 2023 , Abstacts and Posters